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Kate Gerson - There is Room for Everyone to Heal and Be Loved Episode 11

Kate Gerson - There is Room for Everyone to Heal and Be Loved

· 53:55

In order to continue the fight against inequality, we need to create a culture where people are taking care of each other.
Kate Gerson is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Rethnic, where she partners with leaders to create evolved workspaces that promote healthier and happier work cultures through inclusivity. Throughout her journey, Kate has been the architect of numerous successful organizations, where she has poured her passion for anti-racism and dismantling systems of inequality into crafting disruptive education programs and training strategies.

It’s no secret that many DEI initiatives are getting it wrong, and there is still a growing blob of hatred to confront in the modern workspace. In order to bring more connection and a sense of wholeness into the work culture, we need to adopt a spiritual level of focus on the humanity and dignity of every single person around us and promote a sense of care and belonging.
When you feel seen and heard, and you can ground yourself in a workspace of harmony, compassion, and grace, it allows you to show up as the best possible resource you can be for clients and live with a sense of true belonging. Help dismantle systemic hatred and inequality by promoting connection and growth with a culture of spiritual healing!

Show notes:
✨ Kate takes anti-racism seriously. 00:10
🏫 Kate’s childhood and a need for dismantling a system of white supremacy, inequity, and toxic patriarchy: sticky school systems were a good place to start that. 01:36
▶️ When the mission became more important than the people: her evolution and healing trauma with a great team of people around her. 07:59
🤓 The system is not changing: making a change through corporate spaces by helping adults with grace and decency. 09:47
🎯 Fighting a war on consciousness: everyone needs healing now. 12:35
👩🏽‍🦱 Gina Breedlove’s healing in corporate spaces: learning journey and understanding humans around you. 16:07
😇 Accumulation of power and access shifted for Kate: everyone has a secret shame and fear, and we need to care about each other. 18:34
🛑 New generations are not rooted in work and careers; new generations are showing boundaries in the working space. 22:29
🕊️ Spiritual healing as the core of our liberation: white leaders who are ready for evolution and injuries in the working space and allowing room for everybody to be whole. 26:00
💣 The truth bomb that hit Ron. 31:09
🤯 Giving up ancestors and lineage for the construct of whiteness and access to capital: Kate’s spiritual healing journey. 33:47
😻 Shifts in their clients’ lives are so profound: articulating standards for proficiency in belonging and inclusion for managers and leaders. 37:34
⚡ Kate had a profound influence on Ron’s professional growth and sense of belonging while working for New Leaders. 41:35
💎 Kate’s RONderings: prioritizing the humanity and dignity of everybody you meet, vs. being stuck in your cause or mission. 



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